Group Supervision

We are not alone…

Clinical Psychology Group Supervision lead by Tim McLauchlan

Sessions for 2024

All sessions will now be held online via Zoom (not face to face). Zoom link will be sent via email before each session.

Tuesday Night Group Supervision (Night Owls) (4-weekly)

Tuesday Nights –5:30pm-6:30pm (4-week cycle)
Metaphor in Practice:
A Professional's Guide to Using the Science of Language in Psychotherapy
by Niklas Törneke (2017)
Tues 27th FebPart 1: Metaphor—a Scientific Analysis
1. What Are Metaphors?
Tues 26th March2. Metaphors—in Context
3. Behavior Analysis and Metaphors
Tues 23rd April4. Metaphors—Relating Relations
Tues 21st May5. Metaphors in Clinical Research
6. What Have We Learned?
Tues 18th JunePart 2: Metaphors as Therapeutic Tools
7. Three Core Strategies
Tues 13th August8. Creating Metaphors for Functional Analysis
Tues 10th September9. Creating Metaphors to Establish Observational Distance
10. Creating Metaphors to Clarify Direction
Tues 8th October11. Catching Metaphors
Tues 5th November12. Cocreating Metaphors
Tues 3rd December13. Metaphors and Experiential Exercises



Space Head Group Supervision is open to those accessing individual Space Head supervision, and to Clinical students from ANU and UC whose current placement involves working with young people (e.g. headspace, CAMHS, paediatrics etc.).

Inquiries welcome from other practitioners who are passionate about the wellbeing of young people.


Fees – Pay it Forward, Values-Based Dues

Values-Based Dues simply means that you choose how much you want to pay for each group supervision session.

Pay it Forward means you also get to choose who you make the payment to.

Why? This is one small way I get to pay it forward myself.




Suggested Dues:

Professional: $50.

Student:  Free.

STEP 1. Figure out who you care about.

It could be a friend, a family member, a person in your community, a client, a colleague, yourself, or a charity.

STEP 2. Do something caring for them.

In any way you can, please donate some of your time and/or money to the person/people you care about. If you need some ideas… maybe buy dinner for your friend, spend some time with a family member, bulk-bill a client, donate to a charity etc…

STEP 3. Notice what it is like to give.

Take a moment to notice your experience of giving to others.  Thank you!



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